** All hands on deck - Muster Call to all Post 58 Members **


All Post Members and families are needed for "Operation Field Day"


**Everyone can do something & contribute no matter how great or small for Post 58**


Please bring your boots, fatigues, leather gloves, tool boxes & equipement,

power tools, rakes, chainsaws, hatchets, shovels, hoes, safety glasses,

water canteens, and the likes.

Come ready to tear sh*t up and build sh*t up!

Coffee - beverages - snacks - will be available


Date: "As Needed"   Time: 0900 - 1400   Location: Post 58 Freedom Farm


**3rd Saturday of Every month** is designated as a "AS Needed" - **Operation Field Day**

Post 58 needs all members to mark their calendar and muster at the Farm. 

POC : Marvin 618-615-3237


"Coming together is a Beginning; Keeping together is Progress;

Working Together is Success"

"The Strength of a Team is each individual Member;

The Strength of each Member is the Team"

Post 58 Civil War Grave site Clean up Nov 5, 2023




History & Organization
History & Organization

Learn why and how The American Legion came into existence after World War I.

Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation

The foremost pillar of American Legion service, learn the ways in which the organization is dedicated to compassionate care, timely delivery of benefits, career development and other areas of advocacy for those who have served in uniform.

National Security
National Security

Outlined here is The American Legion’s position on a strong, well-equipped and effectively deployed U.S. military, including a decent quality of life for those now in uniform and retirees of the Armed Forces.


This pillar of American Legion service is filled with respect for the nation that those in the military swore with their lives to defend, from proper treatment of the U.S. flag to voter education to youth programs that make life-changing differences.

Children & Youth
Children & Youth

The American Legion’s long-held position that “every child deserves a square deal” is explained here, to include such programs and efforts as the Child Welfare Foundation, the Family Support Network, Temporary Financial Assistance and other initiatives that aim to help children and youth follow their dreams, no matter their circumstances.

Course Conclusion
Course Conclusion

See how all the pieces of American Legion service and advocacy fit together to best serve our nation and learn where other committees and commissions play vital roles.

Final Exam
Final Exam

Take an online test to see how well you understand the nation’s largest veterans service organization.